Monday, April 5, 2010

Ahhh! Spring--Achey Joints Anyone!

What a gorgeous Easter weekend-being outside, riding with the car windows wide open and feeling the breeze across my bare arms and legs! Its been a long winter. The barometric pressure sure is changing and I sure can feel it in my joints. Anyone else feel the same thing? It makes sense though...our joints are held together by gravity and atmospheric pressure so it stands to reason that when the pressure shifts our joints respond via achiness and stiffness. Well for me the best thing to do it get them moving, with a good balance rest in between...and don't forget heat/cold therapy whichever feels best. Don't ever put heat on an inflamed, red will only make it worse. Great time of year to ride a bike (not painful at all as long as you're on a cruisier and your torse is upright and hands are positioned correctly); take a walk, with periods of rest of course. And last but not least swimming-that's the best type of fitness one can do with achey joints. Are there any other helpful hints out there for staying fit while managing your arthritis?

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