Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun with the Book Club

Long time no blog, still very busy....the Book Club started off with a twist! Only 4 people out of 32 read the book! So I kiddingly gave them a class score of D-! Since we couldn't discuss the book as a whole, we all engaged in a wonderful discussion about positive aging and there was some great sharing. People talked about what they want to do in this final third of their life and we had some real exciting responses; i.e- kayaking, learning Italian, volunteering. Some very tender feelings were exchanged about the joys of grandparenting and how surprisingly their grand kids are keeping them young and providing a new purpose in their lives. Overall, everyone there was very excited about aging, and in a very positive fashion....this group, I can tell already is not a bunch of "rotters", but a group of folks who really want to be alive and present during this milestone and continue to learn and enjoy life. So we will meet again on January 12 and hopefully everyone will read"Younger Next Year" by Crowley/Lodge; at least the first 4-5 chapters. The book has really inspired me and those who've read it to really get up and get moving...which I am ever so delighted to do with my new hip!

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