Friday, May 15, 2009

Back to work and lovin' it!

Well its Friday, May 15 @ 3pm and I'm about to wrap up my first week back to work since my surgery. On the average I would say I made it 2/3 of the way thru each day and feeling pretty good with only one set-back. This past Monday not only did I go back to work but I also returned to teaching my aquatic swim classes. Once I got into the 90 degree water it felt so good--I felt a little daring and since I was 8 weeks into I started to let my guard down. I was sqatting, grapevining, jumping and running-- LIKE AN IDIOT! I woke up Tuesday morning and really was scared with the worse pain I have felt in weeks. I knew I overdid it when my non-operataive good hip was also hurting. So I have babied myself all week, not doing anything strenuous at all. Just maintaining range of motion with some tai chi, regular PT exercises, moderate stair climbing and short walks. Tomorrow I'm off to my annual nursing conference and can't wait to set off the airport security gate with my new high tech metal hip! My hotel is 5 blocks from the conference center so I'll be getting some good walks in and plan to pack my cane in my suitcase. I'll report again soon!
p.s. It's great being back at GSH seeing my friends and co-workers, and meeting lots of new faces too! Everyone has been so warm & welcoming.

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