Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not A Good Time for Arthritis Pain!

It's too busy for arthritis pain...and you may not be too keen on exercising while you hurt, or need to get your holiday shopping done, BUT that's exactly what you need to do! Just 15-20 minutes a day will manage your pain and here's the bonus--it will energize you to get what you need to get done. This has been the recommendation of arthritis doctors for years but most people don't even get 10 minutes of exercise a day and are very sedentary. Here's why moving everyday is so important to your joints; 1- as the cartilage breaks down during the ensuing arthritis, adequate blood supply doesn't nourish the joint BUT massaging the joint through exercise promotes blood flow and feeds the cartilage; 2-muscle which surround the joint, support & protect the joint, thus exercise builds the muscles and the joint is better protected. As the muscle strengthens, it takes up the weight & pressures from exercise instead of the joint taking up the weight and pressure; 3-regular exercise is a great weight manager which helps excess weight gain that reduces the pressure, pain and wear/tear on the arthritic joint.
So see your doctor, therapist, nurse (me) about starting an exercise program today; or attend an arthritis seminar to gets lots of helpful, manageable information.
Besides healthier joints, your entire body, mind & spirit will benefit immensely from regular exercise. Exercise for LIFE! Merry Christmas!

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