Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sleepless in Baltimore...

Pardon the unoriginal title of this post but it so appropriate! I am, I guess, finally in the throws of menopause (it's about time don't you thing at 56), and the worst symptom is not sleeping. I take melatonin and it works sometimes, and sleeping pills very judiciously, but when you wake up at 2:30 in the morning and stay up for the remainder of that day, its the pits. This has been going on for about a month now and the cumulative effect is really getting to me. I don't even feel safe driving. I can't even form complete sentences and my memory is mush. Performing at peak level during the week is out of the question and forget exercise....that has really diminished, but I am trying to do a little something each day. So- anyone out there want to offer up any solutions so I can get some sleep!