Monday, December 20, 2010

Year End Inventory time! Be mindful in 2011.

Out with 2010 and in with 2011--another year gone and man did it fly! Someone said that time passes much quicker when your older because your life is so routine. How depressing. I always try to do new things, and travel to new places but it still flies by. And when you've got big things to look forward to, time flies until the big event, so you plan and wait for the next date/event that you have to look forward to. Maybe I should slow down and enjoy a little more of my everydays and not just my big events. Be more mindful of the present---instead of moving quickly through my days and evenings, and even conversations with people. I'm learning this mindfulness is very healthy. Regular practice of "mindful meditation" claims to makes a more balanced life, less stress, a more restorative brain, better pain tolerance and better awareness of the world around you. Tai chi, I know is wonderful as a moving meditation and really makes me feel better simply through the soft, yet strong movements, regular deep breathing and beautiful shifting of the weight and balance. I don't like resolutions per se...and that certainly is the expectation at year's end, but I am going to at least begin to be more mindful in my life, and in my work by simply asking these two questions: 1- Am I present right now?, and 2- am I giving this person/task my full attention? This is a good start and them I may progress to sitting quietyly for 10 or so minutes each day I can, just breathing and being present. Good thoughts!

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