Friday, September 25, 2009

WOW! Six months since the Surgery

Lots of stuff to talk about since last post. I'll start with vacation Sept 4-Sept 10. What a rainy week down the beach! You can only play so many board games with your husband. Once we had our fill we decided to come home early--it seems our weather karma has been rotten. I really missed not bike riding down the's such a great place to ride and it's such a great diversion from my exercise DVD's. However, I managed to stay fit anyway. I'm also proud that I kept up with my Weight Watchers meeting while on vacation and only gained .4lbs, for a total loss of 6.6 lbs. on September 12. September 10th also marked my half-year period since my surgery. Hard to believe but I most often don't even know I had my hip replaced. Good Samaritan Hospital really did a great job with my surgery and recuperation!

Had tai chi training in Pennsylvania the weekend of Sept 12 & 13. Of course it rained again so I didnt mind so much being stuck in a classromm for 16 hours. I really enjoyed the training and really look forward to teaching an ongoing class at Good Sam to help people with arthritis feel better thru tai chi. It helped me, and still does with my recovery and staying strong and well-balanced both physically and mentally. I also began a new regular 10-week tai chi session at Good Sam and am amazed at the popularity of this class. Thirty-one students are in this session and they are very enthusiastic. I look forward to every Thursday evening now for 10 weeks.

We traveled last weekend, Sept 18-20 up to Albany, NY to a wedding and really had a great time. I did most of the driving up because I found that when I drive I'm less restless and less irritated than when my husband takes the wheel. Albany was lovely, as was the wedding. The best part was the dancing which I have missed for over three years because of hip pain. I danced, and danced and danced...for over 3 hours. All that dancing kept me from eating and drinking too much so I had almost a two lb. loss at Weight Watchers for a total loss of 8.6 lbs. My new hip really has helped me get my life back again, and its working just fine. My godniece is getting married tomorrow...the first wedding in the family, so I'll be busting some more moves I'm sure! The next 4 days will be a tremendous weight management challenge--rehearsal dinner, wedding, Raven's Game and Monday a golf tournament with dinner afterwards. Whew! I hope I have a good report next post!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - that was quite an ordeal and a very encouraging story! Glad to hear you are healing and getting on with your active lifestyle. I hope things continue to go well for you.
