Monday, February 14, 2011

Success in India--Hip, hip, Horray!

I've been back from India for over a week now and am beginning to feel myself again. Meaning not so sleeping as I was. That 10.5 hrs. time difference really gets you. What a great trip--did 58 joint replacement on 47 patients--many were young, in early 40's or late 30's mostly due to their hard life. Such a different life and environment in India---unimagineable living conditions, dirt, poverty all juxtaposed among palaces, colleges and universitites...Oh and the sacred cows! I know its hackneyed to say but I am so very blessed to live in America! The Indian food however, was delicious, lots of vegetables, sauces, curry, tumeric, etc.---hot, hot, hot!
I'm quite proud of my endurance during the trip. I napped alot less on the bus trips (endless, bus trips) than other missionaries half my age. Also endured the long work days with just one flare up with my hip, mostly from walking on the hard marble floors. A little ice and rest was all I needed. One evening the host physicians held a reception/dinner in Punjabi tradition for all of us and my hip did just find dancing to both Punjabi and American music. It was great fun and it felt wonderful getting some exercise (not much time for the gym on these missions). Since my return I'm back to my daily workouts. You know my mantra--if you want your body to be good to must be good to your body!
Gearing up for a busy spring, health fairs, book club, VintAGE and my usual community outreach stops. Looking forward to networking with my alumnae from Mercy High School at Jerry D's this wednesday evening--can't wait to tell them about Good Sam @ Work and hope to get some leads.

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